network errors

Network errors can be frustrating as they prevent you from connecting to the internet. Fortunately, you can fix these issues within minutes. Various network errors pop up on your laptop’s screen or keep meddling in the background, which can interfere with your internet connection.

What Is Network Error?

Network error is the error condition that causes a network request to fail. Each network error has a type, which is a string. It also describes which phase the error has occurred in. 

Types Of Network Errors:

Business dealings are complex, and many things can go wrong that disrupt network performance. End users often complain about these issues, and there can be many reasons for these poor application performances. Let’s take a look at the most common network errors and how we can fix these network errors:

1) DNS Problems:

A DNS or Domain Name System is a system that translates domain names to IP addresses, allowing browsers to load a page. DNS servers play a huge role in online networks, and you wouldn’t be able to use the internet without them. Unfortunately, DNS server problems are pervasive and affect your network connections in several ways.

The most common DNS issue occurs when the DNS records aren’t configured correctly. It happens when the DNS doesn’t register certain documents or when there is a failure to enter the correct IP address while the computer updates. 

Firstly you can try temporarily disabling your antivirus and firewall software. Don’t worry about your disk, as you’re only disabling it for a short duration. If you notice that the DNS issue has been resolved after you try using the browser, then the software is the issue. So try using different software. Alternatively, consider switching to a different browser if you don’t have the time to fix the problem directly. 

2) VPN Connection Issues:

VPNs or Virtual Private Networks are now popular parts of the software. A VPN is responsible for encrypting your data traffic while you are on the internet and covering up your IP address. They make it safer to be online and protect you from IP theft and other external threats. 

However, a VPN can significantly slow down your network connection speed because your data traffic needs to be encrypted via a secure VPN to use the internet. Therefore, a few simple steps can minimise this slowdown problem. 

First, try changing from a wireless to a wired connection. It can be inconvenient as you need output and cable to do this. Second, try changing your connected server via your VPN software. For example, if you live in France and try connecting to a VPN in New York, you’ll significantly throttle your internet speed due to the long distance. Try connecting to a server that’s closer to your geographic location. 

You can also restart your router by unplugging and replugging it into its power source or restarting your device. Sometimes this trick also works.

3) Conflict Of IP Address:

Network errors can occur due to a conflict of IP addresses. It happens when two devices have the same IP address. An IP address is a line of numbers that make your device identifiable for communication. Your device’s address should always be unique within a network; fortunately, you can fix this quickly. 

Start by restarting your router. It can allow for a reassignment of IP addresses and resolve the conflict issue automatically. Moreover, try removing the static IP address from your device. A static IP address is usually entered manually onto the device. Switching to an automatic or dynamic IP will change your address and make it unique again.

The process of doing this differs depending on the device you’re using. Hence, it’s best to look up how to remove a static IP for your specific device model.


Although it may feel like specific network errors are impossible to resolve, a relatively quick solution can fix the issue successfully. Usually, a couple of clicks or some simple reboots are the answer. 

By Umaimah

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