charging laptop battery externally

Are you frustrated that your laptop charger isn’t charging your laptop? In that case, we have the top 7 ways to charge laptop battery externally, so don’t quit looking for various possible ways to charge your laptop because we have found some easy ways to charge it using external methods.

Several ways for charging laptop battery externally

It is essential to understand and follow every step to ensure that the battery or even the whole circuit is not damaged. Also, make sure that your laptop battery is in good condition. Following are some top 7 ways for charging laptop battery externally:

1. Use a USB Port

Every laptop has ports usually classified into two parts- Port A and Port B; if your laptop has a port type B, use it to feed in power to your computer. This port helps to charge laptop batteries externally, power banks, or mobile batteries for charging the laptop. 

Some laptops, like Apple Macbook Pro, Dell Inspiron, Chromebook Flip, etc., have port type B. Well, not all laptops have a type B port, so make sure that you read the laptop’s manual script correctly to avoid any damage. 

2. Use a Power bank

You can charge your laptop battery using a power bank; it’s the most suitable, small, and easy way to retain your laptop’s battery. Connect the power bank to an AC outlet of the laptop, and plug the USB cable into the power bank. The laptop battery will start charging when it’s connected to.

3. Use a Universal Adapter

If your laptop charger isn’t charging your laptop and you think that the issue is with the charger, then you should use a universal adapter to solve this problem.

The universal adapter has different charging pins so that it can set a variety of batteries using different input ranges. So, now you can charge your laptop externally using a universal adapter.

4. Use a solar charger

If you have a solar panel in your home, you can use it to charge your laptop battery. A modern solar kit makes all the photovoltaic cells smaller, more flexible, and more efficient. As this device is convenient and portable. You can use this kit to charge laptop battery externally without needing your original charger. The sun’s energy is used to charge the batteries because it is powered by a solar panel and does not rely on any electricity supply. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity.

5. Use a Travel Adapter

You can learn charging laptop battery externally by using a travel adapter. As travel adapters are universal adapters. They are only used in automobiles, trains, and planes. 

You should make sure that your travel adaptor is suited for your laptop, just like a USB-C cable and a universal adapter. It would be better to go to a vehicle loader that helps you load your system without using any power.

6. Use an AC Adapter Hookup

First, check for an AC adaptor connector on your laptop battery. You don’t need to purchase a connector or a battery if the port is closed. If your laptop battery has an AC adapter, then directly connect it to your laptop’s AC adapter.

7. Use An External Battery Charger

Start charging the laptop battery externally by using an external battery charger. If your laptop has a removable battery, you have the remarkable advantage of charging it manually by using any charger near you. For this purpose, you will need a pin according to the pin configurations of your laptop’s battery. If you have an appropriate charging pin interface, you can use it to charge your laptop’s battery daily.

Connect the pin to the power adapter with your laptop’s battery pins and its other end. It will provide current directly to your laptop’s battery and internal circuitry. For this, you will need to invest in a suitable kit that will allow you to perform this step efficiently.

Also, read How to charge laptop battery manually?


Attempt the above-given several ways for charging the laptop battery externally. However, taking care of your laptop and charger is a must.

Attempt the above-given several ways for charging the laptop battery externally. However, taking care of your laptop and charger is a must. Your internal systems and laptop batteries will be damaged so follow the above procedure carefully. 

Also read: Clevo nh70– Laptop Guide 101

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