Conditional Relative Frequency

You can use conditional relative frequency tables to find a statistical relationship between two variables. For example, you can use a table to compare the frequency of boys and girls who bring their lunch to school versus those who buy it from a cafeteria. Another example would be determining the relationship between gender and enjoyment of dancing.

Relationship between gender and scholarship earned

The table shows a relationship between gender and scholarship earned. It is not clear what the relationship is, but it is likely related to the fact that the two categories are not of similar values. However, we can determine the association between gender and scholarship earned by adding the values in the columns.

Using the gender theory, we predict that heterosexual couples will have lower earnings than same-sex couples. The probability should be lower in cohabiting heterosexual couples and married heterosexual couples. On the other hand, same-sex couples should be more likely to earn the same amount as their heterosexual partners in later relationship stages.

Relationship between gender and enjoying dancing

One controversial topic in dance is the relationship between gender and enjoying the dance. Alexei Ratmansky, a classical ballet choreographer and artistic director of the American Ballet Theater, has expressed his views on the relationship between gender and dancing. He posted his comments and a photoshopped image of a male and female dancer lifting each other.

The study found that women enjoyed dancing more than men and were more likely to be better dancers than men. The findings suggest that the gender stereotype that men have two left feet may be outdated. In recent years, attitudes toward gender roles have become more flexible. Even so, men and boys are still outnumbered in dance classes. And different cultures have different attitudes towards performance and theatrical dancing.

Marginal relative frequency

Marginal relative frequency is the ratio of the frequency of a condition to the total number of occurrences of the condition. It is a statistical test used to determine whether a situation is likely to occur again. It can be calculated by taking the total number of events and dividing it by the number of conditions.

You can also use this method to find the joint frequency. It is the ratio of the frequency of a particular category or row to the total number of data values. This technique is very similar to what you learned in Linear Algebra. To get the joint frequency, you would divide the cell total by the row total.

The joint and marginal relative frequency tasks help students understand how to use and interpret relative frequency. The task is divided into two parts: one is to identify the type of relative frequency, and the other is to interpret it. You might want to start by looking at the data table. If students struggle with the joint part, it may be time to return to the data table and use the marginal relative frequency.

The table will display data grouped into two categories. Each row represents a frequency in one category, and the other column represents the frequency of another category. The joint frequency is represented in the row of the table, while the marginal frequency is represented in the columns.

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