Multithreading and concurrency are two capabilities of computer programs in the operating system that enables the programs to run more efficiently. Multithreading simply divides the work to different threads which allows the maximum utilisation of a CPU or a program. Meanwhile concurrency is the ability of a program to work many threads at the same time. It is used worldwide in many computer languages, operating systems and programs. Multithreading can also handle multiple requests from the same user.

What is multithreading?

The term “multithreading” refers to the execution of several threads simultaneously within a single application. A thread functions similarly to a different CPU running your application. Therefore, a multithreaded application is similar to an application that is running on numerous CPUs simultaneously and executing various portions of the code.

A single sequential flow of programming operations with a clear beginning and finish is known as a thread. There is only one point of execution while the thread is active.


An example of a single user taking advantage of multithreading is:

  • Playing a music video, downloading a movie and working on Word Press simultaneously. In this example there are different tasks which are being run by different threads. There are both concepts of multithreading and concurrency here.

One of the first programming languages to make multithreading accessible to developers was Java. Java has supported multithreading since its beginning.Java supports multithreading through a process known as the Thread class. Java Thread creates a lightweight process that carries out some tasks.

Benefits of multithreading:

Use of multithreading in a programme is justified for a number of reasons. Among the most popular justifications for multithreading are:

  • a single CPU is used more efficiently.
  • improved use of many CPUs or CPU cores.
  • providing quality for the user experience.
  • improved customer experience in terms of justice.
  • Increasing computer processing speed will minimise system resource consumption
  • Streamlining the program’s architecture

Some types of programmes can benefit greatly from multithreading and concurrency in terms of performance improvement. Modern computers are also equipped with several CPUs and multi-core processors. This implies that various threads may run concurrently on various cores or CPUs.

What is concurrency?

The term “concurrency” refers to doing multiple tasks at the same time. The simultaneous execution of several instruction sequences is known as concurrency. When multiple process threads are active at once, it occurs in the operating system. It has the following advantages:

  • multiple apps running
  • better use of resources
  • A faster average response time 
  • Performance improvement

Why do we use multithreading and concurrency?

  • You can save more time by multithreading since several tasks can be completed simultaneously.
  • Since each thread is autonomous, the user can execute numerous activities at once without being blocked. Additionally, if an error arises in one thread, it has no effect on other threads.
  • Implementing Multithreading and concurrency enables running many apps simultaneously.
  • Minimization and more effective utilization of computing resources are also results of multithreading.


Multithreading and concurrency are equally important and improve the overall performance, speed and utilization of computer cores. Multithreading is the running and execution of multiple threads. Moreover, concurrency is defined as the conduction of several commands simultaneously. They both their one advantages and drawbacks but are equally important in the modern world.

By Mariam

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