A photocard holder protects your photo from scratch lines and any potential damages. It is made of very good quality plastic to assure firmness and protection. A Photocard, as we all know, is a card containing a person’s photo. For official purposes, it is used to display your identity. Like the one you might be wearing at your office or children wear in their schools, but how do we wear the Photocard? We put our photocard in acrylic or plastic-made Photocard holder. With the help of the ribbon attached to it, we hang it around our necks. All set to go.

There certainly is more to it and changing time has given this simple hanging around-the-neck accessory some diversity. From hobby, passion, and DIY to a business, the Photocard holding accessories can be seen everywhere. Regular identity Photocard case is made up of:

·         Acrylic

·         High-quality plastic

·         PVC (polyvinyl Chloride) or vinyl

Photocard key chain

Creativity has no limits and it can turn any idea into creation with the right tools. A key chain with your Photocard, loved ones, pet, or a favourite celebrity. Isn’t it look like a great idea to transform a Photocard holder into a key chain? So, you can carry something cherished with you all the time. Photocard key chains are available in many colours and designs to satisfy one’s demand and the variety is quite diversified as:

1.  Plush Photocard key chain

2.  Kawaii Photocard key chain

3.  Colourful themed Photocard key chain

4.  Cute Cartoon Character Photocard key chain

5.  TXT Photocard Holder Key chain

6.  Vintage Photocard Key chain

7.  Crochet Photocard Key chain

Photocard Book

Another way to keep your cherished memories safe and well preserved is a Photocard book. It’s almost like an improved and stylish version of the good old photo albums. Aesthetically decorated and embellished with pearls and sequins, they are a treasure to keep your cherished Photocard. Like a photocard holder, a photocard book can also be customized according to your taste or theme. Available in many different styles and variations like:

  • Framed Photocard book
  • Plush Photocard book
  • Cartoon Animals Photocard book
  • Plush Photocard book
  •  Metal Vintage Photocard book

Photocard books are a lovely gift for friends, family and loved ones.

Try a Photocard pendant.

If you are feeling like going for something out of the box then you can opt for an adorable Photocard pendant. Not to say, with an amazing clicked photo of you or of anyone special for you. Add a trendy chain to your customized photocard holder to make it wearable and stand out from the crowd. The options are limitless. You can choose from:

  • Heart-shaped Photocard pendant
  • Crochet Photocard pendant
  • Metal Photocard pendant

Photocard Binder

Photocard binders are an inexpensive way to collect your memorable photocards. You can buy a three-pocket or a nine-pocket binder with hard sides and it is wise to go for a D-ring rather than an O-ring binder. An O-ring can damage the edges of your Photocard binder.

Kpop Photocard Craze

You must have heard about the Kpop craze lately. It is a hobby, a passion, and for some, it’s a craze to grace their photocard holder with celebs’ photos. Fired by the love of their favourite Kpop celebs, these Kpop Photocard are extensively popular among fans. Girl’s Generation was the first Kpop Photocard, introduced in 2010. Kpop photocards were included as a freebie in albums to make fans buy albums in bulk. With time the passion grew and transformed into a Kpop Craze.

DIY Photocard Holder

You can also make a Photocard holder by yourself by following some simple steps, and you are all set to design something unique.

1.       Choose some of your favourite photos.

2.       Pick a theme of your own choice.

3.       Personalize the theme the way you wish it to look.

4.       Print your personalized theme on paper of your preference. Better be a bit thick and firm.

5.       Cut the printed cards.

6.       Overlap these on top of each other and place a good quality plastic sheet of the same size in between.

7.       Glue these all together or stick them using a double-sided tape.

8.       Insert your Photocard inside it.

And it is ready now. Pat yourself for this achievement.

Also read Diagonal Line: How are Diagonal Lines Useful in Photography?


Photocard holders are undoubtedly a great way to protect and preserve your photocards. These holders serve many different objectives, whether for official purposes or to keep your memories intact. You can choose according to your wish list. Photocard key chains, pendants, books and binders are all available easily. What more? You can customize these according to occasion and them.

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